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Creating a Custom Crossplane Package

There are several reasons why you might want to create a custom Crossplane Package. For example:

  • Customization: You want to tweak the default setup, for example to set a custom service plan.
  • White labeling: You want to rename the API shared by Klutch to reflect your own company name.
  • Adding new functionality: You want to add a new, currently unsupported service.

There are two different ways to add a custom package:

  1. Adding a new configuration by modifying the default configuration
  2. Adding a completely new API

Modifying the existing Configuration

If you want to make small changes to the default configuration, you can check out the crossplane-api developer guide. For white-labeling you should follow the section on adding a new API, and remove the default configuration.

Once you have made the modifications you want, you can push the configuration package to a OCI image registry of your choice, and deploy your changes to the control plane cluster by running:

# Get the name of the configuration
$ kubectl get
w5n9a2g2-anynines-dataservices True True 3d

# edit the configuration
$ kubectl edit w5n9a2g2-anynines-dataservices

and then edit spec.package to the configuration package you have pushed to your image registry.

Adding a new API

To add a new API, you need to create a crossplane package with the API you want to add. As a starting point you can look into the crossplane documentation for Composite Resource Definitions, Compositions, and Package at

Once you have created your custom API and installed it on the Provider cluster, you can add it to Klutch by following the steps for adding a custom api to klutch-bind to make it accessible to your users.