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Background Info: API binding propagation


This page contains background information that may be useful to gain a better understanding of the system or for debugging. This information is not needed for normal system operation.

Journey of an API

In this section we will cover the journey of an API definition through the stack. Initially, the API is defined in a Crossplane Configuration Package. When this package is installed to the Control Plane Cluster, the API definitions are extracted by Crossplane. To make the resource packages available for App Clusters, the Platform Operator defines an APIServiceExporttemplate. When a binding is created the App Cluster will create an APIServiceExportRequest on the Control Plane Cluster.

Upon creation of the APIServiceExportRequest the Klutch backend will grant the App Cluster's Kubernetes service account the necessary permissions to interact with the requested API and its related objects. Afterwards the Klutch backend creates an APIServiceExport object that contains a snapshot of the bound CRD at the time of binding.

The application developer then applies an APIServiceBinding object to their cluster. In the binding process this is done by executing the kubectl bind command. This event is picked up by the Konnector installed in the App Cluster. The Konnector will read the APIServiceBinding object and attempt to find a matching APIServiceExport on the Control Plane Cluster. If a matching Object is found the Konnector reads the API schema from the APIServiceExport and creates a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) with a matching schema on the App Cluster. This process runs continuously and will pick up changes and new APIs as they are added.

Updating provider APIs

Updating of API major versions is currently not supported. Updates containing non-breaking changes to the API are supported.


Breaking API changes are not prevented automatically. Please make sure that the API you are updating does not have any breaking changes.

Klutch will not introduce breaking changes to the data services APIs until safe migrations are supported.

Coming soon, updates to APIs on the Control Plane Cluster will be automatically distributed to the App Clusters.

When a change to a CRD that is referenced by an APIServiceExportTemplate is detected, all APIServiceExports will be modified to include the new change. The Konnector on App Clusters will detect this change in the APIServiceExport and update the local CRDs acccordingly.

Adding new APIs

Adding a new API - e.g. a new data dervice - requires a new binding creation. This means the creation of a APIServiceExport on the Control Plane Cluster and the creation of a APIServiceBinding on the App Cluster.

The easiest way to create them is to follow the process for new bindings using kubectl bind as described above.